Friday, July 29, 2011

Science Practical 1

In this practical, we got to know the science laboratory.

There are student work benches, which are high stools, gas taps, sinks, fire extinguishers, rubbish bins, doors, the teacher's desk, power points, first aid box, poster on laboratory rules, and an empty bucket for water. Interestingly, there is also a fire blanket and a shower.

The laboratory is quite stuffy and hot at times, but usually, it is cool and ventilated. I really enjoy lab lessons as it really gets the students involved in the lesson.

Then, we were introduced to the hazards, which were mostly symbols around the science laboratory.

Corrosive Substances

Explosive Substances

Flammable Substances

Poisonous Substances

Radioactive Substances

Then, we were introduced to some of the apparatus in the laboratory. One of the new apparatus to me was the burette.

That was basically what was thought in Practical 1, just an introduction to the laboratory. An interesting start to more lab lessons!

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