Saturday, July 30, 2011

Science Practical 9

Density of an Irregular Solid

Aim: To determine the density of an irregular solid.

Measuring Cylinder
A Glass Stopper
Tissue Paper
Electronic beam balance

1. Weigh the glass stopper to determine its mass. Record its mass as M.
2. Pour water into the measuring cylinder to one-third of the cylinder's height. Note the volume as V1.
3. Tie the glass stopper to a string and lower it gently into the water. Note the volume as V2.
4. The volume of the glass stopper is V2-V1. Record the volume of the glass stopper as V.
5. Remove the glass stopper and dry it with tissue paper.
6. Repeat step 2 twice with different values of V1 and obtain the corresponding values of V2 and V2-V1.

Find the average volume of the glass stopper from the 3 readings.

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