Saturday, July 30, 2011

Science Practical 13

Which can Dissolve More?

Aim: To find out if the solubility of different solutes differ in the same solvent.

*In experiments, we should always conduct a fair test. You should only change one factor and keep the rest constant.*

In this experiment, we want to find the solubility of different solutes, so the factor we should change is the type of solute.

1. Measure 20 cm cube of water into a beaker.
2. Weigh 1 gram of salt using the electronic beam balance. Put this amount of salt into the water.
3. Stir to dissolve the salt in water. If the salt dissolves completely, add another 1 gram of salt into the water.
4. Continue adding 1 gram of salt until no more will dissolve after stirring.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 twice using baking soda and iodine crystals.

From the experiment, we can infer that the salt is the most soluble in water, and iodine crystals is the least soluble in the water.

Different solutes have different solubility in the same solvent.

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