Friday, September 9, 2011

Science Practical 11

Investigating Mixtures and Compounds
In this practical, we were required to do a few experiments and learn about the properties of a mixture and a compound.
Sulfur Powder
Iron Filings
Filter Paper
A piece of paper
Some thoughts before the start of the experiment
Both sulfur and iron are elements.
When they are mixed, a mixture of iron and sulfur is formed.
When the are heated together, a compound, iron sulfide is formed.
The Experiment
We poured the sulfur powder on the filter paper.
Then we wrapped one end of the magnet with the piece of paper, then brought it close to the sulfur powder.
Next, we put the iron filings on an evaporating dish.
We brought the magnet close to the iron filings.
Then we poured the sulfur powder into the evaporating dish of iron filings and mixed it thoroughly.
We then moved the magnet close to the mixture.
Next we heated the evaporating dish over the bunsen burner until no other changes could be observed.
Then we moved the magnet close to the compound.
What we learnt
Heat is needed for the formation of a compound but not for a mixture.
Mixtures have the properties of its congruent elements but compounds do not have the properties of their congruent elements.
Mixtures can be separated by physical means while compounds cannot.

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