Saturday, September 10, 2011

Science Practical 20

Artificial Intestines
The aim of the experiment was to investigate why food has to be digested.
Boiling Tube
Visking tube filled with a solution of starch and glucose
Iodine Solution
Benedict's Solution
The Experiment
Tie the visking tubing up with a cotton thread.
Fill the boiling tube with distilled water.
Put the visking tubing in the boiling tube.
Test the water in the boiling tube for any presence of starch and glucose after one hour.
Visking tubing is used as ut has tiny holes in it that some molecules can pass through, similar to the small intestine.
To test the water for starch, you can add iodine to the water and it should turn blue-black if there is starch present in the water.
To test for glucose, add Benedict's Solution to the water. The solution will turn brick-red if glucose is present in the water.

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