Saturday, September 10, 2011

Science Practical 12

Forming Compounds
In this experiment, we had to investigate the formation of compounds by reacting compounds and elements.
Hold a magnesium ribbon with a pair of tongs and place it in the Bunsen flame. When the magnesium ribbon catches fire, put it above an evaporating dish to collect the ashes.
The magnesium combined with oxygen to form a compound.
Magnesium + Oxygen ---------> Magnesium Oxide
Experiment (2)
Place half a spatula of iron filings in a test tube.
Then add dilute sulfuric acid to a depth of about 2cm.
A new substance was formed as the iron filings dissolved into the sulfuric acid.
Iron + Sulfuric Acid ----> Iron Sulfate + Hydrogen Gas
Experiment (3)
Place sodium chloride in a test tube up to a depth of 2cm.
Then add lead(II) nitrate solution slowly into the test tube using a dropper.
A white precipitate was formed.
Lead(II) Nitrate + Sodium Chloride Solution -----> Lead(II) Chloride + Sodium Nitrate

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